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Empowering Mothers: The Role of Motherhood Care NGOs in Building Strong Communities

Motherhood Care NGOs

Mothers are wonderful creations on earth by God. Mothers give birth to us and take care of us from the moment we take birth. Moreover, they are the first friends and teachers for any child. There is no one in the world more kind and powerful than a mother. In other words, mothers are the superheroes of our lives who are always ready to make us feel better. But, there are so many barriers for mothers, especially in India. They can handle tremendous problems but, she also needs help and kindness which is not get many times. In these situations of mother, motherhood care NGOs play a crucial role in empowering mothers. Mother Concern is one the best NGOs that is working to empower women.

Motherhood Care NGOs: Empowerment through education

Many times society becomes very unfair to mothers in multiple ways. Therefore, Mothers need to be empowered to handle many problems created for them by society. Mother Concern understands the struggle of mothers. So they work to empower mothers. Mothers can be empowered in multiple ways and some of the ways are given below:

Skills Based Education

Mothers need to be motivated to be independent. It would not only help them financially but, also help them to make better decisions regarding their rights and well-being. Skills can make mothers earn money and be independent, which will bring them a respectful and dignified life. If a mother becomes educated then she becomes the role model for her children and family. As a result, the whole community will become educated and independent. Mother Concern which cares for mothers, provides them with skills with the help of which they can make themselves financially independent.

Personal Hygiene Knowledge

Personal hygiene is very important for everyone but it becomes more important for mothers as she is the caretaker of our family. Moreover, if a mother knows about hygiene then she can make her children and family maintain hygiene. A mother should be guided with reproductive and menstrual hygiene so that she can protect herself and her daughters from many diseases. Additionally, she should be aware of the importance of cleanliness for anybody. Mother Concern is spreading awareness about personal hygiene among mothers to change the whole of society.

Maternal Education

Maternal education plays a vital role in a mother’s life. If she has the proper maternal knowledge, she can take care of herself and save herself from many miss happenings. Maternal education includes prenatal and postpartum knowledge, the importance of regular checkups during pregnancy, care in case of C-section and miscarriage, breastfeeding, child care knowledge, etc. Mother Concern provides maternal knowledge to mothers so that, they can develop their children with good fostering.

Breaking the Health barrier:

In our society, Mothers are considered secondary in accessing health care. If any member of the family is ill then he/she rests but when it comes to a mother, she is expected to work like a regular. In many cases, rules get changed for mothers. She also has the equal right of access to healthcare. There are so many problems with mothers that they don’t feel comfortable to talk with anybody.So, Mother Care tried to understand the problems of mothers. And, it provided them with a comfortable environment where they could share their all problems without hesitation. Moreover, Mother Care provides health care to mothers who are neglected by others.

Supporting single mothers:

In a society full of rumors, it becomes very difficult for single mothers to survive. There is a different fight among single mothers with the society for their place in society. They have to nurture their children alone so, carry a lot of burden on their shoulders. They need some support so that, some of their burden could be released. At this time motherhood care NGOs play a vital role in supporting single mothers. These NGOs give them moral support, financial support, and emotional support so that, they can feel the supportive hand with them. Additionally, these NGOs teach them to know the ways and motivate them to become financially independent. Mother Care is one the best names among motherhood care NGOs that provide all necessary resources to single mothers.

Supporting Mothers faced domestic violence:

More than 29% of married Indian women suffered domestic or sexual violence and more than 3% of pregnant women suffered physical violence during pregnancy. Domestic violence has become the cause of depression, anxiety, and suicide many times. It is a major problem in our society. To fight domestic violence, we need to empower women or mothers to raise their voices against domestic violence. Motherhood care NGOs like Mother Concern empower women to raise their voices, make them know their rights, and motivate them.

Trying to break community barriers for mothers:

Women are suppressed by multiple traditional beliefs in society. She is forced to follow all the rules made for her already. Our so-called society believes that every expected mother should already have knowledge of motherhood. Since the birth of the child, it is believed that caring for the child is the mother’s responsibility. Additionally, whenever a mother is unable to produce milk due to various reasons, everyone blames her for it. Moreover, so many beliefs are imposed on the mother along with the birth of the child. But, there are some empathetic people who care for our mothers and their journey to learn motherhood. One of the groups of people is the Mother Concern group which understands these mothers. And provide them with knowledge and support to tackle these problems.


To build a strong and successful society, we need to make our mothers strong. Our mothers are the biggest warriors of the world but, they just need respect and love from us. Mother Concern clearly understands the support and love the mothers need. So, it is continuously working to empower mothers to build a strong community of them. Mothers deserve a lot of love and respect from their families and children. If we all understand our responsibility to love and respect our own mother and others’ mother then the struggle of mothers will reduce.

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