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Foundation for Mothers Organization, mother health matters

Foundation for Mothers

Mothers’ health should be given the utmost priority because their health is a necessity for development. Growth of the Nation. Mother Concern, a Foundation for Mothers Organization is dedicated to help women during their bad times so that they can live healthy live. Mother Concern a Foundation for Mothers Organizations realizes the issues faced by women in Indian society. Thus, they try to make efforts to bring equality in society through welfare services. Welfare activities through works like reducing maternal and child mortality, through advance the healthy development of newborns and children, and many more. The Foundation for Mothers Organization tries to acknowledge domestic issues as well so that they do not face domestic crimes. Mother’s concern is concerned about the well-being of the women and thus makes efforts to help such women.

Health issues faced by the Foundation for Mothers :

Like moms elsewhere, mothers in India might have a variety of health problems that are influenced by things like socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, cultural norms, and geographical differences. The following are some typical health difficulties moms in India experience:

Maternal Mortality: High rates of maternal mortality have long plagued India, frequently as a result of difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth, a lack of access to expert medical treatment, and insufficient healthcare facilities in some areas.

Malnutrition: Maternal health may be impacted by malnutrition, including both undernutrition and overnutrition. Low birth weight, impaired growth, and other issues can result from undernutrition. The risk of gestational diabetes and obesity-related conditions can both be increased by overeating.

Postpartum Depression: Mental health problems, such as postpartum depression, are frequently disregarded. This issue is exacerbated by social stigma, a lack of knowledge, and poor mental health support.

Lack of Skilled Birth Attendants:

In India, many women give birth at home without the assistance of trained delivery attendants, which raises the possibility that complications would go undetected and untreated.

Unsafe Abortion: Unsafe abortion procedures can put women’s health at serious danger, frequently as a result of restrictive regulations and restricted access to safe abortion services.

Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy:In some regions of India, child marriage is still a problem. This results in early pregnancies, which are dangerous for the mother’s health because of her young age.

Lack of Proper Sanitation and Hygiene: Infections and health issues during pregnancy and labour might result from inadequate access to clean water and sanitary facilities.

Limited Healthcare Infrastructure in Rural Areas:It can be challenging for moms to get timely and appropriate care in rural locations since there are frequently insufficient healthcare facilities, qualified healthcare professionals, and transportation choices.

Cultural Practices and Traditions:

Maternal health may be significantly impacted by certain cultural practices, such as restrictive diets during pregnancy or dangerous traditional birthing methods.

Mother Concern,a foundation for Mother’s Organization efforts to help mothers in India:

The Foundation for Mothers Organisation has a clear and admirable goal: to protect mothers’ health and well-being by offering them comprehensive healthcare services, support, and education. Their multidimensional approach addresses the intricate web of problems that Indian women frequently encounter, covering everything from sociocultural standards to insufficient healthcare services.

The initiatives Mother Concern is taking to improve prenatal and postnatal care are one of the organization’s pillars of work. Since these phases of a mother’s journey are so crucial, the Foundation for Mothers organisation works with medical specialists to provide frequent checkups, nutritional advice, and important health education. The hazards connected with pregnancy and labour are greatly decreased by bridging the gap between women and high-quality healthcare.

Beyond medical therapies, Mother Concern has a significant impact. The company is aware of how important education is in empowering educated decision-making. They provide moms with the information they need to make knowledgeable decisions about their health and the welfare of their children through workshops and awareness campaigns. Women receive knowledge in areas like diet and family planning that trickles down through the generations, generating a circle of wise decisions.

Inadequate healthcare infrastructure frequently has a negative impact on rural places. Mother Concern is well aware of this disparity and has set up outreach programmes and mobile clinics to make sure even the most remote villages receive medical care. Their dedication extends beyond the current generation to a time when disparities in maternal health will no longer exist.

Some government initiatives taken for mothers are as follows:

Janani Suraksha Yojana: This flagship programme, which was introduced in 2005, aims to encourage institutional deliveries. It offers pregnant women financial aid to persuade them to give birth at medical facilities.

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan: The goal of this effort, which was started in 2016, is to give pregnant women access to high-quality prenatal care. Pregnant women are given free health examinations and diagnostic services on the ninth of every month at public health institutions.

National Health Mission: The NHM includes a number of initiatives to enhance mother and child health. It offers resources to improve the healthcare system’s infrastructure, educate medical personnel, and guarantee that everyone has access to crucial services for mother and child health.

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana: This programme, which was introduced in 2017, offers financial assistance to expectant and nursing moms for their first live birth. It attempts to improve women’s nutritional health and make up for salary loss experienced following childbirth.

Mother’s Absolute Affection (MAA) Programme: This campaign, which was started in 2016, encourages breastfeeding and addresses the need for newborns to receive enough nourishment. Encouraging early breastfeeding initiation and advocating for exclusive breastfeeding, it aims to lower child mortality rates.

Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana: Although not specifically focused on maternal health, this effort ensures access to necessary medications that can help pregnant and breastfeeding moms by making high-quality generic medicines inexpensive.


In India, apart from the great and effective government initiative for the betterment of Mothers’ health. The Foundation for Mothers Organisation, often known as Mother Concern, is steadily becoming the stalwart protector of maternal health. The group exemplifies compassion and growth through its all-encompassing strategy that targets issues in healthcare, education, and society. With each stride they take towards a better, healthier future, they continue to advance the interests of moms across the country. The foundation for Mothers Organization works step by step with the government. They create awareness and social drives to make the mothers aware of the welfare service provided to them by the government. At the same time, they also provide ample welfare services to the mothers so that they can get all-round support from society.

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