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Mother Concern Best Ngo in India on World NGO Day

Best Ngo in India

tIn recent times, the role of NGOs is prevalent in the country. The rise of NGOs is most seen at the time of emergency situations. In order to further the well-being of the communities NGOs collaborate with, NGOs take on and carry out initiatives. They work to solve a range of societal problems and worries. Similarly, Mother Concern is one of the best ngo in India shields for Women in this misery-less world.

The NGOs carried out a variety of activities to ensure that the needy people in the society get benefit from this. Ngos don’t take financial aid from the government unless they collaborate with them for any specific project. Mother Concernbest ngo in India whose holistic goal is to work for the society and their well-being.

NGOs are the backbone of society as the government sometimes is not able to reach the needy section. Therefore, NGOs are there to solve the concerned problem people face in their life to make it helpful for them.

Consider Mother Concern, which not only assists people in raising funds for them but also assists people in healing from their wounds. They recognize that a society cannot fully develop until women leadership roles. The work of women and girls is truly admirable. They work for all sections of women as well, from widowed women to single mothers.

As a result of all of these factors, they stand out from the rest of the nonprofits that work for women and girls, making them the best ngo in India. The approach they take is more pivotal, which is why they have achieved such rapid success.

Best Ngo in India on what is Ngo?

A “non-governmental organization” is any organization that is free from the influence of the government and is not profit-oriented. The phrase was first used in 1945 in Article 71 of the newly created United Nations Charter. NGOs also referred to as non-profit organizations (NPOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), membership organizations, charities, or third-sector organizations, are significant players in the spheres of development, civil rights, human security, non – discrimination, the ecosystem, and countless other domains of public action. These organizations are established under a special law (in India, the Societies Registration Act, 1860), aren’t a part of the government, and have legal standing.

In India, the term “NGO” refers to a broad range of organizations, including non-governmental, semi, and semi-governmental ones as well as both voluntary and non-voluntary ones.

However, there are many types of NGOs.  In India, NGOs can be divided into the following general types according to the laws they function under and the type of activities they engage in:

  • Registered Societies
  • Charitable Organizations
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Local Stakeholders Groups,
  • Cooperatives
  • Ngos without formal structure

Mother Concern one of the best ngo in India also registered so there is no chance of any fraudulent activities. So if you are in need of help or just want to contribute to the NGO must donate as per your willingness.

History of Ngo in India

The concept of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) originated during tribal development in Gujarat in 1871. In 1957, the Balwant Rai Committee identified the need for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in India. The development of NGOs in India is recognized by many institutions, which see it as an important pillar. Way back in 1966, the rural-urban relationship committee focused on mobilizing the community in order to support development.

Following this, the Dehbar Committee believed that giving NGOs a significant role would best uphold the idea of the active and meaningful involvement of individuals at all levels.  The committee of Sivram also suggests involvement and planning of NGOs are necessary for local development. As a result, almost all the commissions that came across during intervals are in favor of NGOs.

Why there is a Need for NGOs in India

Since India’s independence, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played a critical role in assisting the needy, providing help to the needy, and bettering the socioeconomic status of people. Even before independence and up to the present day, India has adapted to achieve tremendous growth in all sectors. Specific development areas include health, education, women, and children.

World Ngo Day History

The IX Baltic Sea NGO Forum Council of the Baltic Sea States in Lithuania formally recognized World NGO Day in 2010. Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Norway, and Sweden are members of the Baltic Sea NGO Forum. Finland’s capital city of Helsinki hosted the inaugural World NGO Day on February 27, 2014.

World NGO Day has been commemorated annually on February 27 since that time. The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs served as the event’s host. For the occasion, hundreds of global leaders from NGOs, the UN, UNESCO, and the EU convened in Helsinki. The United Nations celebrated World NGO Day in 2014.

Importance of World Ngo Day

World NGO Day aims to promote understanding of all of these organizations worldwide, to recognize those who work in this field, and to inspire others to support this worthwhile cause. On this day every year, fans and volunteers show their appreciation to those who work for non-governmental organizations. On this day, different associations receive honors and significant prizes to spur them on to greater productivity.

World NGO Day Theme

Every year a theme o celebrate World ngo day. For the year 2023, the theme is yet to be announced. Whereas the theme for 2021 is ‘Celebrate, Commemorate, Collaborate, Donate’.

Some Constitutional Provisions for Ngo in India

To provide ngo in India legal protection some constitutional provisions marked-

  • Article 19(1)–freedom to form associations.
  • Article 43- State’s need to promote cooperatives in rural areas.

Mother Concern best ngo in India on the eve of World Ngo Day salute all of those who work selflessly and work hard. At present many volunteers provide their selfless services.

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