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motherhood care NGO protecting the very core from where all life started

motherhood care NGO

Motherhood is a wonderful gift from God to us humans. However, we often fail to understand the true emotions and meaning behind them. A mother is responsible for our lives, yet we often neglect taking care of her. The Mother Concern Motherhood Care NGO is making a positive impact on this issue.

Motherhood Care NGO understands the harsh issues faced by mothers.

The divorce rate in India is increasing steadily, which is leading to a difficult situation for single mothers. A study of UN Women of the Year 2019 found that there are over 4.5 crore women who are single mothers, and now the situation is even worse. After a divorce, they no longer have a partner to rely on, and they are solely responsible for taking care of their children. These challenges are making it tough for single mothers to survive.

The Motherhood Care NGO extends a helping hand to mothers who are in difficult situations, including those who are divorced or abandoned without financial support or good health. This organization offers support to all mothers in society who seek assistance to overcome their challenges.

Is being a single mother easy?

Being a single mother is one of the most challenging situations a woman can ever face. It not only increases pressure on the mother but also shatters her confidence and makes her question whether she will be able to provide a better life for her child. Society often adds to the burden, with many people judging and mistreating single mothers. They might even blame the mother for her divorce, further lowering her self-esteem. Even if we cannot offer help, we should refrain from taunting or criticizing single mothers and instead try to build their confidence.

One of the biggest challenges for single mothers is managing both their professional and personal lives. They have to earn money to make a living while also taking care of their children, which can be quite complex. Furthermore, many single mothers who work as caretakers or maids do not receive a high salary, making it even more difficult for them to survive. All of these factors, combined, create a difficult situation for single mothers.

Common issues faced by single mothers

Many mothers face the challenge of unemployment due to various reasons. For instance, some women may not have had an opportunity to acquire skills or education because they got married at an early age. This creates obstacles for them in the future when seeking employment, whether it be as a laborer in a company or as a housemaid. Additionally, inequality is another issue that single mothers face. Men in society have more opportunities for employment, whereas single mothers face difficulties due to their education level and home circumstances.

Motherhood Care NGO empowering females.

The Motherhood Care NGO uplifts mothers and women in society through various initiatives, with education playing a crucial role in improving lives. The organization firmly believes that providing free, high-quality education and skill development training to single mothers can empower them to take charge of their lives and achieve their goals on their own terms.

Hunger-free life

The organization recognizes the challenges of balancing the responsibilities of being a mother and a working woman. In this race, mothers often forget to prioritize their health and well-being. In order to address this issue, the Motherhood Care NGO provides underprivileged mothers with healthy meals on a regular basis to ensure that their bodies and souls receive proper nourishment.

Health care is being a friend to them for life.

Health is the ultimate ally that supports both the mind and body. We understand the importance of good health in our mothers’ lives and want the same for them. That’s why we provide free medical facilities, including medication and regular check-ups, to ensure they stay healthy.

Mother Concern Motherhood Care NGO caring nature

As mentioned earlier, mothers and women are essential and should be taken care of. Our Organization provides not only physical support. But also mental support to help them stay strong in both body and mind. We also provide them with practical knowledge of the world and its laws. Because many innocent mothers and women don’t have any idea how things work in the real world. We support them in this area too. Additionally, we provide basic facilities, such as clothing distribution. Empowering women is the most crucial thing that a country needs to go forward and reach new heights.


The Mother Concern Motherhood Care NGO is a means for achieving self-independence. We offer the support that mothers desire and believe that even a small effort can change their lives. With their dedication to doing something in life and our unwavering aim to help them stand on their own feet. We can make a real difference.

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