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Non-Governmental Organizations in India on Female Hygiene in the Workplace

Non-Governmental Organizations in India

When we talk about hygiene, we often ignore topics related to women, especially hygiene. Many people are probably unaware of the importance of female hygiene at work. Health is just like money; when you lose it, you realize its real value. In today’s blog, Mother Concern, Non-Governmental Organizations in India, will discuss female hygiene at work.

Can you imagine a day when you go to the bathroom without proper hygiene facilities? Despite the harsh reality of India that women face on a daily basis in terms of hygiene factors, many facilities are still not available to them.

The absence to access to basic sanitation services, clean water, and good feminine hygiene is a barrier to the advancement of women in contemporary India, where they are increasingly engaged in the labor and working towards economic independence. It inhibits their capacity to participate completely in society and has an effect on their ability to work and make a living.

In order to enable all people, especially women, to live healthy and fulfilling lives, India must address this issue and give equal access to fundamental necessities like sanitary facilities, clean water, and appropriate hygiene. Mother Concern, Non-Governmental Organizations in India sees an urgent need of breaking this taboo to provide secures and a safe working environment.

Non-Governmental Organizations in India Sharing Facts

Women face a day-to-day problems not in home but also in the workplace especially related to personal hygiene. Many women who work encounter insufficient hygiene facilities in the workplace in addition to limited access to restrooms. Only 21% of Indian factories, according to a report by the International Labor Organization, have separate restrooms for men and women. Facilities for managing menstruation hygiene are even rarer.

The World Bank estimates that women make up only 24% of India’s overall labour force, which is among the lowest percentages worldwide. This is largely a result of the workplace’s inadequate sanitation and hygiene provisions, which prevent women from fully engaging in the job.

It is challenging for them to join in the labour and contribute to the country’s economic development. Since they lack access to adequate sanitary facilities and clean water, which also negatively impacts their physical health, safety, and dignity.

It is obvious that there is a critical problem that has to be solved about the absence of adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities for women in India. Enhancing women’s empowerment and gender equality in the workplace can be accomplished through increasing access to clean water and sanitation, as well as by providing proper workplace hygiene facilities.

Menstrual Hygiene  Frequently Disregard

Although being a crucial component of women’s overall health and well-being, menstrual health is still taboo. Just 12% of Indian women use sanitary pads during menstruation, in accordance with the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), while 88% rely on non-sanitary options including cloth, ashes, and husk sand, which can result in infections and other health issues.

It can cause humiliation and embarrassment for many women and girls in India not have access to private, hygienic restrooms. Here they can change and dispose of their menstrual products.

In addition, research by the Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3) discovered that due to a lack of access to sufficient sanitation facilities, knowledge, and products, roughly 23% of girls in India stop attending school after they begin menstruation.

The physical health of women and girls as well as their educational and employment prospects are all impacted. The lack of access to adequate menstrual hygiene products and facilities.

Promoting menstruation health and gender equality in India requires expanding access to period hygiene products, education, and clean, private restrooms where women can change and dispose of their sanitary products.

Mother Concern is, non-governmental organizations in India that often collaborate with other organizations. We address many issues regarding women such as reproductive health, and other human rights-related issues.

Break the Taboo of Menstrual Hygiene

The stigma associated with menstrual health needs to dismantle, and men and women need to inform.  About the value of menstrual hygiene and healthcare for women’s general well-being.

Effective sex education in schools and community-based initiatives aiming to de-stigmatize menstruation. To disseminate correct info about menstrual health are two ways to do this.

Men and boys must be included in these initiatives as well since they are essential to advancing gender equality. For developing environments that are supportive of women and girls.

In addition, it’s critical to make sure that all women and girls can afford and have access to menstrual hygiene products. This includes reducing taxes on menstruation products and offering free or discounted items in businesses and schools.

It also entails instructing women and girls on the various kinds of menstruation products available as well as.  How to use and properly dispose of them.

We can enable women and girls to take control of their health and fully participate in society by shattering the taboo . Around menstruation health and teaching both men and women about the significance of menstrual hygiene and healthcare.

Menstrual health is a human right, thus it’s crucial to keep in mind attaining gender equality. This depends on making sure that everyone has access to period hygiene products and knowledge.

Need female Hygiene and Safety

In order to enhance access to basic sanitation services, clean water, and adequate hygiene facilities at work.  Healthcare for women in India must prioritize. This entails funding the construction of public restrooms and water as well. The public awareness-raising initiatives on the value of hygiene. It is also essential to provide menstrual hygiene management facilities in workplaces and educational settings.

Other crucial actions include expanding the pool of qualified healthcare professionals, particularly in rural and underdeveloped areas. To guarantee that women have access to the treatment they require. A further way to guarantee that women receive the treatment. To increase the accessibility and affordability of necessary medications and supplies.

In addition, it’s critical to involve local groups in the planning and execution of sanitation and hygiene initiatives. This can assist in ensuring that the facilities and services use. To maintain, and addressed the unique requirements of women and girls.

In general, addressing the cleanliness and healthcare needs of women in India calls for a diverse strategy. That entails collaboration between the public and private sectors as well as community-based organizations. In order to increase access to necessary services. To alter social perceptions of how important hygiene and healthcare are for women.

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