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Best NGO in India suggesting stunning ways for the upliftment of poor

Mother Concern Reviews

Mother Concern is the best NGO in India for supporting mothers of society. Our charitable organization trains less privileged and unskilled women to earn. This helped women develop skills and become stable by earning a regular income. This helped in changing their lives along with their families.

By this time, you must be aware of our work and service. It’s time to make you aware of the motive of the article. So, the article is going to be focused on Women’s welfare and their empowerment.

Today women’s welfare plays an important role in the development of a country. A country like India needs to focus on empowering women by giving employment to women.

Let’s start the article with some statistics: –

Shocking Facts about Indian Women

  • Recent data shows that women’s literacy rate in India has shown tremendous growth. Since it has passed the mark of 65%. But the numbers must improve for the development and progress of the country.
  • The Census shows that in 2011, around 20-25% female population between the age of 7 and 29 are illiterate. About 35% of the illiterate population of the entire world lives in India.
  • The Annual Status of Education Report of 2018, in 2006, about 10% of girls, b/w the ages of 11 to 14 were not going to school. In the year 2018, 13.5% of girls b/w the ages of 15-16 were outside the school.
  • Only 25% of the labor force in the Indian population is women.
  • In the country’s GDP, Indian women’s contribution is just 18%- one of the lowest figures on a global level.
  • NCBI (National Crime Bureau of India) {2017}, 7000 deaths are associated with a dowry. Earlier in 2011, the total no. of dowry-related death cases was 19 every day. In 2016, the figure touched 21 per day.
  • 20 women die per day in the name of dowry in which either they commit suicide due to pressure or even get killed.
  • 13 crore households lack a water-filling facility in their houses. Thus, they have no other option in place of moving outside every day to manage water.
  • Survey reports assert that in India, around 27% of women go through violence. Also, they suffer physical torture at home from the age of 15. The best NGO in India is aware of and protects women from such incidents.
  • According to a survey in India, one woman is raped every 30 minutes in India.
  • India’s rate of unemployment is 7%, but the problematic part is that it is as high as 18% among women.

 Problems that persist in society for deprived women: –

  • Gender discrimination
  • Lack of Education
  • Female Infanticide
  • Financial Constraints
  • Family Responsibility
  • Low Mobility
  • Less ability to bear Risk
  • Low need for achievement
  • The Absence of ambition for the achievement
  • Social status
  • Dowry
  • Marriage in the same caste and child marriage (still existing)
  • Atrocities on Women (Raped, Killed, humiliated daily)

The best NGO in India ensures Education should be for everyone

Mother Concern women’s NGO ensures that education is the right of every individual. We try to uproot the seeds of inequalities planted for ages. The exploitation of girls and women would come to a stoppage point. We aim to build a progressive society where education will be available for everyone, be it a girl or boy. The exploitation of women is not confined only to the educational sector. Women suffer the heat of harassment, and mental taunts made in society.

It’s an undeniable truth in any society that education is vital and influential. That is capable of bringing revolutionary changes on social grounds in society. It’s imperative to spread awareness about the worth of education and healthcare. This air of consciousness will be the reason behind the changes. Irrespective of gender, every child must go to school for learning. As the girls will become aware of their rights and fight against the odds done to them. Being the best NGO in India for women, we strive to transform the lives of the daughters of our country.

Unfortunately, in most regions of Indian societies, women and girls face harshness. They often suffer discrimination existing in the community for them. The perception of society towards them arouses the feeling of inferiority within them. That makes them lose their confidence in growth in the future. Bestowing young girls with meaningful education will enable them to take their stand. This will also help in uplifting the conditions of backward communities.

Serving the Gift of Empowerment

Our NGO has started conducting programs and campaigns for women’s empowerment. Through education and other fundamental rights. Our target revolves around the empowerment of every girl child. So that when they enter the phase of becoming an adult, they must be capable individuals. best NGO in India plans dynamic and hearty programs for grooming women’s knowledge.

If girls living in extreme poverty will get opportunities, they will learn new things. Learning new things & exploring themselves, help them encounter their status in society. We help the education of girl children so that their rest of life would be a smooth ride.

 Final Words:

Empowering women to help in the development of society along with her. We strive to build a country and a society where every gender gets equal treatment. As gender equality is a fundamental right and hence, and we are working on it. Empowering women is the goal of our non-profit organizations. When we educate girls about health they empower their families, for being healthier. Empowered girls are key to breaking the cycle of poverty for families around the world.

You can also support us in our various initiatives done for women and ladies of society. Visit our website for understanding our work. Little support done by you can bring a lot of changes in their lives. You can visit us at https://motherconcern.org/.  Follow us on social media. We update our activities on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.