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Foundation For Mothers to Improve Maternal Health

foundation for mother

A mother is someone who is affable, loving, and kind to everyone. She is constantly worried about her kids’ problems and fears. Mother Concern is a foundation for mother to look after mothers.

She also has other people’s well-being in mind. Most people do not understand the value of having a mother who is always present and still living. But when she leaves and moves far away from us, we become aware of her absence. Without our mothers, we cannot survive. She is never far away and is always willing to lend a hand.

Our NGO is called “MOTHER CONCERN” in honour of all mothers. As a mother cares for all and watches over her kid, we have created this organisation to help hopless and needy individuals.

Every person is unique in their own way. Living in a society where all types of problems and challenges exist. We take care of the rights of women to address the health issues affecting them. We always believe that voicing your voice against injustice is far more important than giving advice to anyone.

God, created the beautiful creation mother, and her health during pregnancy, which we all know as Maternal Health.

Before, going further on stats about maternal health, how to improve health sector facilities, and initiatives taken by us and the government of India. We tell you about what Maternal Health is.

Maternal health refers to the time periods during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. I am sure you must be wondering what the postnatal period is, but don’t worry, we are writing this article on maternal health, so it will give you all the information about the issue.

The postnatal period is a very crucial stage in motherhood. It is also known as the trimester period. According to WHO, it is the first six weeks after childbirth. It is the time period in which the mother and the newborn need the most care.

At this time, the mother goes through many emotional and physical changes, from sadness to happiness, changes in uterus size, and hormone level, till reaching a non-pregnant stage.

There are 3 phases of the Postnatal Period.
  • Acute Phase- Immediately the following birth for 24 hours.
  • Sub-Acute Phase- It lasts for 2-4 weeks after delivery.
  • Last Phase- Depending on the mother’s body, it last anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks or even longer.

An initiative by Mother Concern to build a Foundation for Mother

We work with the motive to provide the best medical service to women, especially during the maternal time. It is a charitable organization. We know that maternal health is a major sign.

For a fetus to be healthy and survive, the mother’s capacity to provide her child with food and oxygen is essential. Hunger in the fetus can result from failing to provide good nutrients to meet its needs.

To increase equality and fight poverty, maternal health is an essential factor in any nation’s growth. Mothers’ survival and health are essential for handling major economic, social, and advanced issues in addition to being essential in and of themselves.

We are continuously taking every possible step to increase the maternal rate and decrease maternal death. Our doctor’s team does checkups whenever it is needed, makes them aware of pregnancy hygiene, and provides them with women’s hygiene products.

As a baby bump grows it is always best to wear comfortable clothes. Doctors advise wearing airflow-allowing innerwear and breathable clothing when pregnant.

Loose clothes are good for exercising since it allows for body movement. But as soon as you’re done, change it because it won’t absorb sweating and might infect your skin.

Maternal Nutrition

If a woman is not physically active, her intake during feeding should be raised by around 10%, but if she is normally or powerfully active, it should be increased by 20% or more.

Her energy levels and position to feed, clothe, and care for her newborn or infant may suffer from a diet that is a shortage in both quantity and quality. In reality, a breastfeeding mother needs around 500 kcal per day to produce 750 ml of breast milk for a baby

Some energy comes from the body reserves she built up during pregnancy. The intake of others must be increased.

A woman will normally have enough food to meet any additional needs if she eats a different diet according to her hunger. However, a woman who eats poorly might not have stored body hold during pregnancy.

She has to intake an additional meal every day that includes a variety of food to meet her needs and protect her supplies.

What Exactly is Maternal Death?

As per WHO “Maternal death is the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of ending of pregnancy, no matter of the duration and time of the pregnancy,

any cause related to mood swings during pregnancy or its handling but not from random or incidental causes

Maternal Health Statistics

  • According to the Sample Survey Registration System, the Maternal Mortality Rate from 2017 to 2019 is 103/per 100,000 live births, an 8% decrease from 2016 to 2018, which is a sad situation.
  • In 1990, the maternal mortality rate was 556 per 100,000 women. It has now lower to 130.
  • Maternal mortality has decreased from 77 percent in 1990 to 40 percent today, which is greater than world progress.
  • The United Nation set up a Sustainable Development Goal with an aim to reduce the mother-death ratio to lower than 70/per 100,000 live births.
  • Pregnancy-connected problems are the leading cause of death in girls aged 15 to 19.
  • Bleeding is currently the leading cause of maternal death in the country. Infections due to bleeding and abortion are also important causes of death. This mark the importance of starting a national blood transfer service network.
  • According to FOGSI, PPH accounts for 38% of all maternal deaths in India. Many deaths occur within four hours of delivery.

Several Government Initiatives

Janani Suraksha Yojana :

  • To protect motherhood as part of the National Health Mission delivery to poor women.
  • It started in 2005 with the goal of making a special lower state.
  • It is a monetary help for delivery and post-delivery.

Pradhan MantriMatruVandanaYojana  :

  • This scheme is under the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
  • Pregnant women get a total of Rs15,000 as help in 3 installments.

Awareness Program for the Foundation for Mother

Mother Concern, as a responsible organization, trusts we can only grant our women when we give them the upper hand in every field of life, whether it is health, education, employment, or social security.

We become even more careful when we consider our slum population and provide medical help because we know are aware of infant mortality and mother’s health is important, and any abuse of the pregnant woman makes a risk of life for the newborn.

Our NGO has seen many pregnant women lose their life due to extra bleeding after delivery which is Postpartum bleeding. It’s a serious but uncommon state. It usually happens within a day of giving birth, but it can occur up to 12 weeks later. PPH affects 1 to 5 of every 100 pregnant women (1 to 5%).


If we have a strong foundation for mother, it will definitely help our country in an indirect way. As the name says, Mother Concern, we are very concerned about our mother or about becoming a mother.

We hope you like the article. And for reading more articles and blogs click on the link https://motherconcern.org/. You can follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitterand Instagram.