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Health Ngo in India for Collective Approach of Family Planning

Health NGOs in India

India is the seventh-largest country in the world and the second-most populous. Though we celebrate it, as India has more youth it is not what it looks like. The rapid increase in population is an alarming situation for India. This all is due to a lack of family planning. Mother Concern is a health NGOs in India looking for a collective approach of family planning as the solution model.

The main reason for the current lack of family planning in India is people’s mentality. In the 21st century till now even before or after marriage women are not given the freedom to choose what they want. This is due to the shameful act of male domination in the country. Where the ego of man destroys the life of women.

We must all consider how it feels to be treated as an artificial womb machine rather than a human being. We all need to be ashamed of treating women like this. The main reason behind this practice is also the adult in the home, who thinks they are the only decision-maker in the home.  Why, after two people get married to each other, are they not given the right of choice? even when the constitution of India gives every person the right to live on their own terms?

Therefore, the health NGOs in India sees only solution for this enormous population is a collective approach by men and women to family planning.  Family needs to let their children think and stop treating them as children. They want them to just blindly follow an individual about what to eat, drink wear, or even whom to marry.

Health NGOs in India on India’s Population Enigma

India’s population growth is a concerning issue. The current population growth rate of 0.8% in comparison to 2020 implies. India will add more than 13 million people this year. The life expectancy is 70.15 years, and the death rate is 9.3 per thousand. However, the fertility rate in India is declining, yet the population of India is higher than that of other countries in the world. On average, 79,726 babies are born each day.

As per medical guidance and for the health of a mother the gap between 2 children should be 3 years but in many cases. it is 1 year which is not a quite good situation for a mother.

According to the United Nations World Population Prospects, 2022 report, the world’s two most densely populated regions in 2022 will be Eastern and South-Eastern Asia. With 2.3 billion people, going to represent 29% of the total world’s population, and Central and Southern Asia, with 2.1 billion, indicating 26% of the total global population.

According to the report, ten countries have witnessed a cash loss of more than one billion dollars in migrants between 2010 and 2021. These outflows were caused by temporary labor movements in many of these countries. Including Pakistan (a net outflow of -16.5 million from 2010 to 2021), India (-3.5 million), Bangladesh (-2.9 million), Nepal (-1.6 million), and Sri Lanka (-1 million).

Family Planning: A Better Roadmap for the Future

Firstly, a couple needs to take a stand for themselves rather than just following the path of their health. They need to be educated, and if not, they should be eager to study . Further, as they may contribute to their financial stability. Many women, before attaining the age of 18, are expecting their first or even second child. This is a red flag for her.

Mother ConcernHealth NGOs in India, counsels couples about the benefits of late pregnancy and the gap between conceiving and having a baby. If a couple is living in a joint family, the elder should guide them about the responsibilities they have to face after childbirth. This is important to set for a better and brighter future.

Health NGOs in India helps them to deal with changes in life after extended family and how to manage all the responsibilities. When sometimes couple asks us why to take time before starting a family. They understand our outlook that they need to be strong enough to enter the parenthood phase. They shouldn’t compromise the health of women as a complication arises for both mother and child.

After that guiding couples about different family planning methods through visuals, 3D animation, audio, and video is the best idea. Apart from this, sharing case studies along with them provides a clear vision.

Now health NGOs in India sharing some family planning methods, which will help everyone who is looking for family planning

  • Barrier Methods-In this sperm is blocked by the birth control method from reaching to eggs. For example – condoms, cervical caps, etc.
  • Hormonal Methods- In this ovary are restricted to release eggs. Therefore, if there is no egg release, fertilization will not take place. For example, contraceptive pills, patches, and vaginal rings

Mother Concern on Family Planning

These are the most common and effective family planning and sexually transmitted disease prevention measures.

By 2025, India will be the most populous country, leaving China behind. The main aim is to reduce the reproductive age, which starts at 15 years old and lasts until 49 years old. Family planning is not only limit to population control. It is a much broader term that covers sexual and reproductive rights.

It is clear that family planning has a positive impact on the well-being and health of women and children. The best thing for women is to have complete control over their bodies, which is unquestionably their human right.

However, using the contraceptive method is not only the duty of the husband. He must take part in the process of family planning along with her otherwise it will be a violation of her sexual and reproductive rights. The concept of family planning was first implemented by India in 1952.

Different Approach to Connect With Women

We must all understand the importance of family planning for newly married girls. As many of them are under the age of 18 and have no prior knowledge of pregnancy or family planning. The more she is aware of, the better she will fare in an emergency. Health NGOs in India develops a technique in which they taught how to form communication without fear in order to inspire her to share their opinion.

In order for to her be an effective communicator, we are forming a chain, with the first step being an interpersonal communication network.  The approach to family planning for newly married women and a mother of a child should be different.

However, the Indian government’s approach gradually shifted from encouraging contraception to improving women’s healthcare and enabling women and families. This action plan, on the other hand, was only appropriate for educated parents who recognized why it was essential. Education levels play a significant role in establishing the proper mindset. There is no child policy in India.

Mother Concern Health NGOs in India sees measures for population control as a must to reduce the number of children. In order to achieve family planning goals this is the demand of the present time.

Family Planning can only achieve through proper education, formulation of policy, and awareness about the topic. However, China for a long time followed the policy one-child policy until 2016. Therefore, India needs to make a proper child policy in order to escape any disaster.

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