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Mother India NGO | Helping Women to Chase their Dreams

Mother India NGOs

“You have to dream before your dream comes true, famous saying by our former president APJ Abdul Kalam.  Whilst everyone is capable of dreaming, not everyone is willing to pursue their aspirations in earnest. People regularly have constrained belief systems that prevent them from living their dreams. Mother Concern is a Mother India NGO that helps women to achieve their dreams.

Women are no longer viewed as a financial burden on their families, as they once were. Women of the current age have dispelled all misconceptions and demonstrated their abilities beyond all reasonable questions.

A working woman in contemporary society carefully defends her position in both her home and her place of employment. Despite having excellent credentials and a lucrative career, she devotes her entire being to domestic chores.

Even though she has a job, a responsible mother would make sure to regularly monitor her kids’ academic progress.

In addition to paying for their tuition. She would do her best to remain connected with her friends and family. They would make an effort to attend all social events and activities in order to maintain their circle of friends.

A far more thorough examination of the idea of the ideal lady from my own viewpoint could shed light on the specific preferences of one man in his search for the ideal partner. A dream woman, in our opinion, would give me that same sensation, as if you were still in a dream.

Mother India NGO approached its work from a female standpoint. It presents the world as seen by those who are in charge of providing for the needs of the people of the world in the areas of housing, universal healthcare, daycare, food, education, and mental well-being while also becoming the targets of hatred and assault.

Mother India NGO: How we meet the Needs of People

Mother Concern is an NGO that supports widows, and one of our strengths is our capacity to address the immediate needs of families and women while pursuing a long-term goal of social justice. When a crisis strikes, women must bear the most. This is due to the fact that they frequently lack safety nets and start off with fewer resources. Those most at risk from disaster such as children, the elderly, and those who are ill or disabled are also predominantly cared for by women.

From our work with communities, we have gained an awareness of how important it is to take into account women’s and children’s health as well as adolescents and young people’s health when assessing the community’s overall development and state of health. Yet women require more than just help. Community-based women must play a key role in planning and implementing relief activities.

To build a Mother India NGO, the founders of Mother Concern used the best aspects of their varied social work and personal experiences. We talk about several issues such as challenges, social change, and problems faced by women who are underprivileged and ignored.

We are happy to acknowledge our role in the expansion of feminist campaigns to bring about reform for mothers in various spheres of our society. Our Mother India NGO supports social movements and feminism. It aids mothers who are victimized and ignored. Additionally, it supports the empowerment of women and gender equality.

Mother India NGO is aware that mothers suffering from poverty and ignorance are well aware of the type of assistance they require.

They typically do not have the means to address those requirements, though. We can conduct relief operations in ways that take into account the interests and viewpoints of neighborhood communities. Additionally, we mobilize resources effectively and rapidly.

How women can become self-reliant?

To begin with, women who are chasing their aspirations shouldn’t alter their personal stories along the way to success. They should accept their own journey and keep in mind that everybody around them is dreaming, too!!

First of all, a woman must recall the dread we all imagine in our imaginations. We frequently observe that it stems from a wish to avoid failing in front of others. Nevertheless, failure is the catalyst for development, compassion, and creation. Therefore, it’s critical to alter this mental picture. The stories of enormous failures they experienced on the road to greatness are common among outstanding leaders who are more advanced in their careers.

Being aware of your fear and actively choosing to engage and move forward when it arises is a daily exercise that will help you become fearless. Practice simplifies things over time, and most of the best breakthroughs happen when you charge ahead.

Firstly, list your dreams in writing. Clarity comes from putting it on paper, and by doing so; we give it more substance and reality. According to studies, those who wrote down their aspirations and objectives achieved a great deal more than those who did not.

Secondly, tell them what your dreams are. Sharing will make us more responsible and driven to take the necessary steps to achieve this goal. We also will receive greater assistance if we communicate our needs to others.

Most people intellectualize and underact, which prevents them from realizing their dreams. In addition, they allowed their worries about being turned down and failing to dissuade them from just attempting things. You must learn to see setbacks and rejections as signs that you’re trying. Stretching yourself, and moving closer to your goal.

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