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NGO Services| Barriers to poor people living in slums and ghettos

NGO for services

Mother Concern provides NGO services to women and girls of Delhi. There is nothing as strong as the affection of a mother and nothing as healthy as the soul of a child. Our mothers have always been close to us since childhood. She’s known all the time we wanted to be with her. Whatever the age but we generally need our mother. Mother Concern is focusing its NGO services on the women of Delhi and small children. Mothers are like buttons, they keep the whole family intact. A mother loves her children unconditionally. Losing her child is the deepest sorrow a heart can feel. Worshiping her is equal to committing to God. God cannot be with everyone everywhere, so they created mother. Our NGO serves mothers who are helpless and are all alone for their endurance.

Mother’s concern empowers women and works with women’s unions. We allow our NGO services to focus on issues of welfare and ideological women privileges. We provide necessary basic schooling so that they can make a place in the public eye. Our volunteers support women globally. Our NGO understands the sadness they feel due to a lack of respect, and that’s why we help them. They all need assets to solve those issues. Besides, we assist projects with trends that respond to the needs and perspectives. Similarly, it can be visualized by offering assets swiftly and effectively.

Why support our NGO Services?

NGO deals with understanding the relationship between various issues that affect lives. Our NGO is trying to strengthen the existence of women and children in our country. We are striving to make society a better and safer place to live. We are advancing orientation homogeneity. Where women and men are equals and receive equal open doors of opportunity. Women coming from outside are facing a lot of difficulties to make their place in the eyes of the people. It is the mindset of many cities that young women should not move out of the country. To get advanced education, higher wages, or equal pay, even for a similar position that a man is doing.

We are arranging more exercise for young children and women. By giving they defense classes so that they can protect themselves in case of any kind of problem. Along with protecting young children, our NGO provides training. E.g. painting, and stitching, so that they can get the experience of bringing money to avail expenses. An attempt is made to give financial autonomy to the mother’s concern. With our efforts, we protect them from succumbing to the regressive approach. Women empowerment program is the focus area of ​​our work. Mother Concern ensures better ways to help troubled women living in society. Our organization believes that equality is necessary for every individual in society. There should be no inequality in terms of gender, color, caste, etc.

Our NGO helps these families in many ways. Some are regular medical checkups, free food, free medicines, clothes, etc. We provide NGO services to the poor in the best possible manner. They are also an important part of our society and we should help them. Your little help can make their life beautiful for their whole life.

Barriers to Good health to those people who live in slums under bad conditions

  1. Lack of Access to Vaccines

Our scientists are working very hard on the Covid vaccine. Yet, for some people, vaccines are out of their reach. According to WHO In 2018, 20 million children did not receive routine vaccinations. There are at least 68 low-income countries where more than 10 million children did not have the first dose. According to UNICEF vaccines currently prevent 2 to 3 million deaths every year. Mother concern NGO camps out at several locations to motivate people for vaccination. This is really very important and thus needed to take care of.

  1. Poor Water and Sanitation

People who live in slums have poor sources of water and sanitation. Covid-19 has given us a lesson on the benefits of proper hand washing techniques. UNICEF data shows that about 3 billion people have no access to washing hands with water and soap. 1 in 6 health care facilities around the world does not have functional toilets. 4.2 billion people, do not have safe sanitation. 2.2 billion people do not have steady, reliable access to clean drinking water. And 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with feces. Isn’t this great in numbers? So many people for so many reasons are suffering so much.

  1. Lack of Electricity

800 million people lack access to electricity, which makes it hard to receive health care. Many people in slums do not have so much money they go to hospitals for treatment. This is one of the biggest reasons low-income families get treatment on time.

We all have seen problems occurring in rural hospitals due to electricity. There is a need for regular reach to electricity in rural areas. Many times this happens a doctor needs to operate on the patient after the sun gets down. But due to the electricity issue, they face problems. This is not a great sign for a patient’s health. We need to focus on planting solar panels for generating electricity in an emergency.

  1. Lack of Access to Medication

Millions of people die every year from antibiotic-treatable diseases in the world. The unfortunate thing is the majority of these are in low and middle-income countries. WHO data shows nearly 2 billion people cannot get basic medications. Many children and individuals lose their lives due to improper medication. We observe the urgency and keeping this in mind we distribute medicines of vitamins. Our NGO is trying to expand access in various areas so that many more people get benefited.

  1. Crowded Living Conditions

People living in slums live in extremely crowded and little places. This played a major role in the outbreak of covid-19. Social distancing is the best way to stay away from Covid. But due to less space, these homeless people suffered a lot. More than 1 billion people worldwide live in urban slum environments where housing is poor.

All the NGO services we are providing to the poor families are for their betterment. You can also support us by volunteering for us. Donate to the humanitarian causes and look at the change with your eyes. Come forward and support us in helping the poor families living in slums. You can visit our website for reading more articles and blogs. You will get daily updates from social media sites. Follow us on Facebook Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. https://motherconcern.org/