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One of the best NGOs in India on Family Planning for Women

One of the best NGO in India

Family planning is a way forward to building a harmonious and healthy life for women. Gender Equality is one of the best ways to achieve family planning. Despite India being the first country in the world to introduce family planning, the results are unsatisfactory. Population growth in the country is a worrisome situation. In today’s article, Mother Concern, One of the Best Ngo in India, will discuss family planning programs, problems, and other concerns related to this topic.

Family Planning is the solution to many problems in India. This will eventually lead to a reduction in poverty. Until the modern period, people, especially women, had to rely on luck or prayer to plan their families. People who desired children could not always have them. People who didn’t want any kids or who wanted to space their children apart couldn’t do anything about it.

The only effective way of the contraceptive method was prevention, which was not for everyone. Nevertheless, several various family plans are now available, and this ease of access has completely changed people’s lives. It has already crossed 1.417 million and will be the most populous country by 2030 according to the world economic forum.

One of the Best Ngo in India | Why Family Planning is Important?

Individual and global family planning are both required. Planning once and how many children a family will have allowed each other to have smaller families. They can commit so much energy, time, and assets. It also has an impact on the child’s welfare. If indeed the kids are too near together or they are too many kids, the death rates are high.

Family planning techniques have tremendously improved during the past century. Family planning methods allow both having healthy sexual life and having babies only if they are prepared for that responsibility. In contrast to the past when singleness was the only way to guarantee that no conception would occur.

Challenges Facing in Family Planning

It is seen that during the past 20 years, families have become more aware of family planning options and there is a greater demand for female sterilization. Women are choosing to follow the one- or two-child ideals and are independently seeking female sterilization. However, the use of male sterility has not yet increased, and men are not actively engaging in this initiative. Despite all of these decades, there are still numerous chronic myths and falsehoods about sterilization, and there are no awareness campaigns in place to raise male awareness.

Mother Concern one of the best NGOs in India develops a strong foundation for women. We see women as country developers and equal contributors to the economy. We have contributed to too many women’s lives and had changed their lives for the better. When women stand for themselves she stands for other women too.

Lack of Awareness and Illiteracy

This is the major hindrance in the path of family planning. Women are not well aware of the harmful effect of unplanned pregnancy. As it is recommended that, the gap between two children should be equal to more than 3 years. Due to a lack of awareness and illiteracy, people are not able to understand the importance and need of the family, which is an alarming situation. They will not know the importance of these unless they are educated and well aware.


According to data 16.4% population of India fall under the poverty line. They are unable to incur expenses for family planning. Rather, they think more children will eventually help to reduce the burden by generating income.

Non-Use of Contraceptive Pills

Although much different research shows that as time pass the side effect and failure of contraceptive pills decline. Contraceptive pills have 2 biggest side effects on the human body, spotting, and pregnancy. The pills become ineffective if you take them after 36 hours of copulation.  Many people are unaware that contraceptive pills often increase the risk of hepatitis B, Cervix Cancer, HIV, Herpes, etc.  Women use high-dose pills, which contain levonorgestrel. Taking a high dose of the contraceptive pill will lead to an irregular menstrual cycle.  Sometimes pills fail but due to bleeding this often misleads her. This led to giving her a fall sense of security and a delay in the diagnosis of pregnancy.

Lack of Cheap and Effective Methods:

Birth control options that are both affordable and efficient are scarce in India. The population control research facilities are inadequate. This is due to a number of factors. For instance, there is no system in place for actually getting study results to administrators and decision-makers.

Early marriage and childbearing:

When a woman gets married an early age, she faces many health-related problems. An early birth will lead to a lack of family planning. This will automatically lead to early labor pain, mortality rate, etc.

Family Planning History in India

Mother Concern one of the best NGOs in India now highlighting the history of family planning

RaghunathDhondoKarve was the first well-known figure to acknowledge the necessity for population control. Between 1927 to 1953, he ran a periodical by the name of SamajSwasthya in which he made the case that using contraceptives to reduce the population would be in the interests of society as a whole. Mahatma Gandhi criticized Karve’s call for the Indian government to implement population control programs on the basis that people should practice self-discipline instead of using birth control.

By 1951, it was clear to the Indian government that family planning was urgent due to the country’s rapidly growing population. At that time, the government made the decision to establish a government family planning program. Five-year plans with an emphasis on economic expansion and restructuring were implemented. Nevertheless, in 1971, Indira Gandhi, who was prime minister at the time, implemented a forced sterilization campaign.

National Programme for Family Planning

When India did so in 1952, it became the first nation in the world to introduce a nationwide family planning program. The government’s initiatives have played a significant role in family planning in India. The program has seen a significant shift from its early years, when the emphasis was on a clinical approach, to the present, when the focus is on women’s healthcare and the decrease in child mortality, morbidity, and maternal and newborn mortality rates.

The National Population Policy (NPP), which was introduced in 2000, has assisted in lowering fertility. The linked page has information regarding the National Population Register (NPR). The government created a number of clinics for family planning and reproductive health as part of the program. Additionally, there is a lot of awareness, through many methods and counseling sessions.

Types of Birth Control Methods

There are many birth control methods available for men and women. Birth control refers to methods of preventing pregnancy. They only work when done correctly.

Barrier techniques: These techniques prevent sperm from entering your uterus. Every time you have sex, you employ a barrier technique.

Hormone Medication: Using hormones, these drugs and gadgets either stop ovulation or alter the uterus and cervix’s environment. Some hormone drugs (short-acting) must be taken every day, while others need to be injected into your arm or uterus by your doctor (long-acting).

Sterilization: Surgery to end pregnancy permanently known as sterilization. Sterilization techniques exist for both men and women.

Awareness of fertility: Natural birth control used in fertility awareness. Natural family planning is another name for this.

Emergency Contraception: In the event that regular birth control is ineffective, emergency contraception protects you against becoming pregnant. Consider this your final “safety net” against pregnancy.

Abstinence: Refusing to engage in sexual activity.

Although India has made significant progress in its family planning programs, there is still a long way to go. The Government of India has traditionally placed a strong focus on family planning in its population plans. Mother Concern One of the best NGOs in India is helping the public with more participation and awareness is necessary.

Though in poor family planning practices continue to infect the nation as a result of gender inequality, the desire for sons over daughters, a low level of living, poverty, Indians’ conventional thought patterns, and long-standing cultural conventions.

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