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Women and Child Welfare You Can Help With Mother Organisation

Mother Organisation

Mother Organisation: One of the most important requirements in the world that is frequently disregarded, is child welfare. However, there is a broad range of services that adhere to the needs and safety of children. Basically, by helping poor children, teens, and their families, educators can make a substantial contribution to society’s fight against child abuse and neglect. Moreover, children who are in desperate need of social, educational, or financial support can have their general well-being ensured through child welfare with Mother Organisation.

Basically, child protection is widely considered a significant aspect of societal development and India has a wide variety of legislation to protect children. Due to insufficient human resource capability and a lack of high-quality protection and treatment programs, following the rules has proven difficult. As a result, millions of kids are vulnerable to abuse, violence, and exploitation.

Jawaharlal Nehru once said, “To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves”.

Lastly,  these lines are the perfect pictures of how rarely women is treated in the country. However, there are immense ways for women to explore and grab opportunities.  However, a country cannot achieve development unless they don’t have equal rights as its counterparts. Furthermore to gain these rights women must come forward and raise their voices for their rights. Moreover, Mother Concern a Mother Organisation is there to support you in these difficult times. Women should stand up for their rights, and awareness should be held, because if they are considered equal in society and given equal rights, they will undoubtedly do wonders.

Mother Organisation on Women’s Welfare

Moreover,  Mother Concern meanwhile needs to empower women this means giving important opportunities in all spheres of life. There are several places where it is clear that women are not kept in imprisonment and are viewed as equally powerful to males. However, there are still some places where women face a lot of discrimination. However, women are enjoying the freedom and other fundamental rights. Basically, due to their and the government’s efforts, it has happened. We cannot, however, claim that because women have achieved equality, women’s empowerment is no longer necessary. However,  the empowerment of women is still required in underdeveloped places like villages. Meanwhile, some women are unable to make decisions for themselves and must be driven.

How Women’s empowerment is essential if a nation hopes to develop. Basically, women should speak up for their rights and not be afraid to do so in order to be given the chance to make their own decisions and to make everyone proud. However, people should recognize the importance of women and should appreciate them as the cause of life. Mother Concern women’s welfare organization is always equally there for needy women.

Various Initiatives by the Government

Basically, the injustice done against women from birth and in adolescence is the first of these issues that need to be addressed. In many rural regions, it is again normal practice to kill female infants , or female infanticide. In spite of the 1994 passing of the “Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act,” female feticide is still common meanwhile in some regions of India. Moreover, even if they live, they will encounter intolerance all of their lives. Moreover, Female children are typically overlooked when it comes to nutrition, education, and other important aspects of their upbringing because sons are traditionally expected to care for their parents in old age, while daughters are seen as a burden because of the dowry and other expenses involved with their marriage.

Whereas in our nation, the sex to male ratio is shockingly low at the same time. Accordingly to the 2001 census, there were only 933 females for every 1000 males. The Sex Ratio is a important growth indicator. However, Sex ratios in developed nations are typically over 1000. Furthermore, the Sex Ratios for the USA are 1029, Japan  1041, and Russia are 1140. Kerala has the greatest sex ratio in India—1058—while Haryana has one of the lowest values—861.

Child Welfare Programs by Government

S.No. Child Welfare Programs Year of Beginning Objectives/Description
 1  Reproductive and Child Health Programme  1951 Basically To provide young children and women in the reproductive age group with high-quality, efficient, and consistent primary health care services, with a focus on family planning and immunization. However, till today it is in progress
 2 Creche Scheme for the children of working mothers 2006 Optimal child development, full immunization of children, and raising parental understanding of malnourishment, hygiene, and education is equally important
 3  Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)  1975 However, its goal is basically to improve infants’ and young children’s (O-6 years) health, nutrition, and learning chances.
 4  Pulse Polio Immunization Program  1995 To vaccinate all children under the age of five against the polio virus is equally  important
 5 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan  2001 By 2003, every child will be in school; Afterwards 2007, every child meanwhile will have finished five years of primary school; Furthermore 2010, every child will have finished eight years of elementary school; by 2010, every child will have completed eight years of elementary school; by 2010, every child will have closed all gender and social category gaps at the primary stage; and by 2010, everyone will have been retained in school.

 Kasturba Gandhi BalikaVidyalaya

 2004 Therefore establishing residential schools with boarding facilities at the primary level, to offer access and high-quality education for girls from underprivileged sections of society is equally important
 7  Mid-day meal Scheme  1995 Basically enhancing the nutritional condition of kids in classes I through VIII in public, local, and government-aided schools, as well as EGS and AIE centres. However, encouraging underprivileged youngsters to attend school more frequently and assisting them in focusing on classroom tasks.

Moreover Supplying primary-aged kids with nutritional assistance over the summer in water shortage areas.

 8  Integrated Program for Street Children  1993 Giving homeless and neglected street children access to housing, food, health care, sanitation and hygiene, safe drinking water, educational opportunities, and recreational resources, as well as safety from abuse and exploitation.
 9  The National Rural Health Mission 2005 Reduced infant and maternal mortality, universal access to food, nutrition, sanitation, and hygiene services, as well as universal access to public health care services with a focus on services that address women’s and children’s health and universal immunization, are just a few of the goals that have been set for these areas.


Mother Concern is moreover a motherly organization basically sees women as important economic developers. Working for the development of women and children and helping them fight against injustice is equally important

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