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One of the best NGOs in India| Education a strong foundation

One of the best NGO in India

Mother Concern is one of the best NGOs in India. Mother Concern NGO has been serving needy families since 2012. In all these years we helped thousands of families and children. Our NGO provides free-of-cost education in slums. We strive to educate every child in society. This is the fundamental right of every individual. You all must have observed the gender gap in society. Gender equality means that boys and girls can enjoy equal rights in life.

The family whom we support generally belongs to the low-income group. Pandemic had affected this sector the most. Due to the lockdown, their schools remained closed for longer. This leads to breakage in their learning. Due to poverty, these families were not able to purchase an android phone for their children. We all know that during pandemics, almost every possible service came online.

We had made significant progress in educating poor children. In India, most people live in slums and ghettos. The most number of population in slums is young boys and girls. Education helps in strengthening the base of the economy. Volunteers of NGOs organize camps in slums and educate the poor children there. Along with school education, we make them learn about the daily happening going on in the country.

As one of the best NGOs in India, we are responsible for availing these children of education. UNESCO has estimated that 11.2 million girls drop out of school due to the pandemic. This is the reason we take this as our responsibility to educate as many children as possible.

Why does one of the best NGOs in India focus on providing Education to a girl child?

Mother Concern NGO focuses on the holistic development of children. Volunteers never judge anyone based on caste, color, or religion we help them. Till now we have changed the life of many girls by providing them with proper education. With the help of education, these children can learn skills and earn money. Due to the lack of technology, many children lost access to education. Our volunteer is acting as a bridge between education and children.

Let us look at the main points for the importance of girl’s education:

  1. It will bring equality to the society

Inequality and segregation usually start from the basic level. Suppose a situation where you send your boy child to school and not your girl. Isn’t she feeling discriminated against by her brother? So this is the problem that we have to take care of. We have to take care of this issue from the ground level. All have to start treating both genders equally.

So that in the future no girl child should feel unmatched. She should never feel again that is different. When women go with men to the same schools it brings fundamental freedom to society. They both enjoy the same privileges which help in boosting their confidence.
  1. It makes them independent and builds their confidence

Education indeed makes a person independent. It allows us to offer help to other people and qualify ourselves to achieve work. If women get educated and shop for themselves, they will not have to depend on their families. It builds their certainty and goes with them and alone takes their choices. They understand their value and their uniqueness. After that Education for women is important in making women independent and certain.

  1. It is their basic right

Most importantly, education is the fundamental idea for all. When we say all we should not remember that women are also a piece of this parcel. There is a vast population of women in society and we cannot keep such a large population unskilled. It will be our great misfortune. Young women whether they are rich, poor, young, or old, have a compulsory right to education. Instruction is not an honor, yet a necessary right.

  1. Poverty Reduction

When women have equal freedom and access to schooling, they take part in activities. Firslty when you are educating a child you are making him/her ability for earning money. Poverty can reduce only by earning income. You should be able to earn that much so that you can provide three times meals for your family. Education helps get jobs in bigger companies and will pay you for your skills.

Mother Concern one of the Best NGOs in India provides skills to women to help them in earning. We make them learn various skills like beautician, tailoring, crafting, etc.

Welfare Schemes for Women

  • MahilaSamakhyaProgramme:

This program came in limelight in 1988. This program is for educating and empowering women in rural areas.

  • Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme (KGBV)

This scheme’s major aim is to encourage girls’ participation in education. This is very beneficial for the women of rural areas.

  • National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL)

It is an amendment to the scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). This scheme is to provide more components for the education of girls at the elementary level.

  • Saakshar Bharat Mission

It is the centrally sponsored nationwide literacy scheme of the Indian Department. This scheme focuses on increasing women´s literacy in India.


The meaning of training is huge but we can sum it up in one line. ‘School education is self-improvement and development. Education gives us the option to acquire new abilities and interact in a cultured manner. Education is a compulsory right for all. And thus we should not differentiate between sexual orientation. Unfortunately, this separation wins in many areas of the world. That is why people need to understand that women should get an education. And education is their fundamental right like men. One of the best NGOs in India is helping women of our nation.

“When women get educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.”

We help so many girls and children in their better survival we hope you too will come forward. Does not matter how much you donate for help all that matters is your good heart. Your helping and giving nature will motivate others for doing for same. You can visit our website at https://motherconcern.org/.You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.