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Epic Reasons Why Women NGOs Are Empowering Poor Women

Woman NGOs

Women NGOs are a crucial need of current society. Women in society are still fighting for their rights. Our NGO supports such women and helps them their better survival.

Welcome back Readers to Mother Concern’s Blogs page. Here we write what we had done and what we need to do in the upcoming time for society.

Today in this article, we will give you reasons why we need to support women. We will also make you aware of certain government schemes. That is for the betterment and empowerment of women living in our country India.

Society is a place where every person can live, laugh, and spend their life peacefully. But is this happening in real time?? Ask Yourself!!

We do not think so. If this was then we do not think we have to write on these subjects time again to empower women.

Having a house, food, education, and clothes are the fundamental rights of a human. Does not matter whether rich or poor everyone has this right for their survive. Women NGOs are trying to fulfill these needs for the better survival of the poor.

Now we want to ask you our readers a question. Is this a duty of the government or NGOs that we have to help the deprived section of society? Or should be your moral duty too to help them if you are capable of it?

For sure we all have to work together as one if we truly want to see a growing and happy India. A changed and empowered economy will benefit every single citizen without judging.

Without further delay let’s move on to the need to empower women.

Throwing Light on Women’s empowerment in India and its Importance

Women empowerment in India is the most effective tool for development these days. Women across the world are actively working as a leader and surpassing others in all spheres of life. That is why we need to empower women living in any area of India. Women in rural areas and urban slum areas suffer the most from disagreements. Their thought is not even listened to before making decisions.

While our various distributions we have met a lot of women who are facing this problem. Women NGOs help such ladies and girls of society. Let’s have a brief on what we do to help women living in Delhi.

Women Hygiene kits

Mother Concern NGO provides hygiene kits to women living in slums and rural areas. They have very limited access to money and other essential resources. Hence, they need our support for their better survival. The Hygiene kits provided to women contain sanitary pads and vitamin capsules. These kits help them in reducing their problem during difficult times.

Food Supply

With the help of Aahar- Food Distribution Drive of Mother Concern, we feed at least 4,000 people. This food is full of nutrition that helps in their physical and mental growth. Along with this, it helps them beat their hunger as well. We serve in slum areas of Delhi, U.P., and Meerut.


Education is a basic need for every individual. Especially to those who belong to a poor community. Due to a lack of money, poor parents are unable to send their children to school. They either send their children to a government school or they learn little at their home. They mostly engage their children and themselves in working. Though there are many rules for child labor because they are helpless, they do work.

Schemes for Women of India by the Indian Government

There are many schemes for women in India for their support and safety. Here we are going to discuss some of them in brief: –

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana

This is launched on January 22, 2015, in Panipat, Haryana. This aims to generate awareness of girls’ empowerment. Along with improving the efficiency of welfare services for the girl child. The initial aim of the campaign was to address the declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR). But has come to include: –

  • Gender-biased sex-selective eliminations, and
  • Propagating education, survival, and protection of the girl child.


The Ministry of Women and Child Development, the government launched Mahila-E-Haat in 2016. It is a bilingual online marketing platform. This gives leverages technology to help aspiring

  • Women entrepreneurs,
  • Self-help groups, and
  • NGOs showcase their products and services.

This is for all Indian women above the age of 18. This platform offers an easy sign-in process along with convenient payment modes. Everything has easy access from mobile with no other intervention required. The portal claims to have attracted 17 lakh visitors since its launch. The features over 2,000 products and services across 18 categories from 24 states.

Mahila Shakti Kendra 

The government of India launched the Mahila Shakti Kendra in 2017. This helps to empower rural women with opportunities for

  • Skill development,
  • Employment,
  • Digital literacy, health and
  • Nutrition.

The Mahila Shakti Kendras work through community engagement. With the help of student volunteers in the 115 most backward districts. Each Mahila Shakti Kendra will provide an interface for rural women. This will help them to approach the government. To avail of their entitlements through training and capacity building. The Mahila Shakti Kendras work at the National, State, District, and Block levels.

Working Women Hostel 

The government launched the scheme to ensure

  • Availability of a safe place for women
  • Convenient accommodation for working female
  • Daycare facilities for their children who go to their respective jobs
  • Wherever possible in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas.

Under this scheme, the making of new hostels and the expansion of existing ones happen. The working women’s hostels are available to any woman. But her gross income does not exceed Rs 50,000 per month in metropolitan cities. This is Rs 35,000 per month in any other place.

Wrapping up: –

We hope you understand the need and why we need to empower them. Women are responsible for bringing new life into the world. Hence this becomes very important that we take care of her to give a strong base and future to our economy.

We had supported many females to date. Women NGOs continuously progress in supporting more such women in the Indian Economy. Our NGO urges you to come forward and support us so that we can keep our support continuing to women.

You can visit our website for volunteering or donate to us. Click on the link to donate https://motherconcern.org/donation/.  Click here if you want to volunteer or see our services https://motherconcern.org/.  Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for frequent updates.