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Non-Governmental Organizations in India for the high growth of poor

Non-Governmental Organizations in India

Mother Concern is a non-governmental organizations in India to help the poor. This is important to look after gender equality and women empowerment. Both factors influence the growth and development of an economy. What is the first thing coming up to your mind when you talk about women’s empowerment?

For us, women’s empowerment is a way to promote women’s sense of self-worth. This helps them in understanding their self-worth. It gives them the ability to know their ability to determine their own choices. This helps them in understanding their rights and influences social changes. We as an NGO trying to bring that change for the welfare of society. There is a very famous quote that says “change is good for welfare”.

We need this change because this will help in the development of society. Women are key to bringing a new life to the world. Hence, we should take care of her and her needs. Many women are fighting alone with all their problems. Yes, we have indeed covered a long way in helping and supporting women but we still need to cover a long way. We are working with the hope that one day we need not be too aware of people on this topic as they were already aware.

Women often get behind the shadow of men in their life. Does not matter if the man in her life is her father, brother, or husband. The fact is that she always lacks behind in decision-making. This is not the condition everywhere but yes in slums this is the condition. Women of a family are not treated as equals to men. This is the aim of our non-governmental organizations in India women get the same rights.

Suggestions to make women feel more empowered at home

Approve women’s self-expression.

By this point, we would like to draw the attention of readers towards paying attention to what a woman is saying. Suppose a lady is expressing her viewpoint on a political topic on her social media. What do we observe generally? If she is getting supposed to 100 comments average of 60 comments will be negative. Instead of being judgmental, we should appreciate her courage in sharing her thought. So, next time whether that she is your mother or any woman let her speak first. If she is wrong make her correct peacefully so that she builds the confidence to speak again.

Compliment her mind and soul—not her body and face

Women are often called beautiful but they love to hear if someone praises their work and soul. If you praise a lady for her work rather than her beauty once a day, she feels motivated to do more good work. For example, you have your mother at home and she is a homemaker. She is performing her 24*7 duty and you praise her for her beauty or body but not for the work she does. She will smile. But she will be happier if you praise her for her work and how hard she works to take care of everyone’s necessities.

Focus on solitude.

Women are habituated to prioritizing other people’s needs over their own. So, the effective way to empower a woman is by validating and encouraging her alone time. We often forget that they are also human beings and they deserve peace and vacations. Alone time is beneficial for well-being and it increases the quality of relationships. A lady always keeps running behind her family this is her inbuild nature. Now you might be thinking that what you can do for her. So, this is very simple your mother never asks anything from you so whatever you will do will make her happy. You can arrange any spa session or anything that she loves doing to make her feel your love and care towards her.

What to do to empower women at your workplace?

Pass the mic

Passing the mic to women will empower her. This does not mean that being a man stepping back you missed your chance. Sometimes doing this you are helping the workplace for women empowerment. If you are in a good position where four people admire you this act will encourage them to do the same. Every person admires someone in their life and hence this will pass on to one another in society.

Offer support to all women, including the “strong” ones.

You have seen a woman who is strong enough to manage almost everything happening around her life. Women empowerment does not mean that if you see such a lady, you will remain standing quiet. Just for the sake of women’s empowerment, you are letting women get the work done on their own. No, you need to ask her whether she needs your support by standing by her side. You can support her physically or mentally whatever you feel she needed the most. This is necessary for every woman who is around you. Because nowadays women are both the bread earners and homemakers of a family. She is performing both duties and hence standing by her side will help her in not letting her down ever.

Invest in women-run businesses.

Many people feel afraid to invest in a business that is owned and run by a woman. In India still, people won’t believe in a woman entrepreneur. If we see the analytics women have time again proved themselves as successful women. A business owned by a woman faces the problem of funding from external sources. Our non-governmental organizations in India encourage women in slums by making them skillful. We provide them with skills like tailoring, and beauticians so that they can earn bread.


If you are someone who always speaks up for women’s empowerment then you are doing very noble work. We appreciate your thought that you also want to live in a society where women and men both are equal. You can do this by empowering women near or next to you. Let’s speak up for them and contribute to helping such women to make a great nation. We hope that non-governmental organizations in India will enlighten you with new thoughts.

You can visit our website at https://motherconcern.org/. Follow us on social media Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.