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NGO Services to Eliminate Violence against Women

NGO for services

NGO for services: Violence against women is a major concern and a violation of basic human rights. We live in the twenty-first century, and our primary focus is on economic and technological advancement. However, we have spent many decades ignoring the facts about violence against women.

Mother Concern is an NGO for services aimed at ending violence against women. In today’s article, we will tell you all about the elimination of violence against women, and steps taken to eliminate the violence.

When we talk about violence against a woman, she can never think that her own family members will be the cause of her unhappiness. According to a recent WHO report, violence against women reached a peak in 2021.

It found that at some point in their lives has assaulted one in every three women partner or non-partner. There was violence against women during the COVID pandemic also. Ngo for services is urging the government to take the necessary steps to protect young women and girls.

To combat violence against women, the United Nations established the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is observed on November 25 each year. The government introduced several laws in offices as well, in order to take every possible step.

To stop any kind of sexual harassment against women in the workplace introduced Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013.

The act upholds women’s fundamental rights, i.e., the right to equality and the right to live life with dignity, which includes the right to safety in the workplace and a free environment from all types of violence.Celebrating November 25 for violence elimination against women to end gender based violence. This is a 16-day campaign led all over India that we will celebrate until World Human Rights Day.

NGO for Services: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Themes

This is due to make concerned authorities aware and formulating policy accordingly. Here are some themes of previous years, that we are highlighting.

  • 2022- Orange the World: UNITEActivism to End Violence against Women & Girls.
  • 2021-Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!
  • 2020-Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent Collect
  • 2019-Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Rape
  • 2018- Orange the World: Hear Me too!
  • 2017-Leave no one behind: end violence against women and girls
  • 2016-From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Make Education Safe for All.

In 2021, 1 in 5 between the ages of 20 years to 24 years was married before turning 18 years.  Out of 10 women, only 1 woman goes to the police to register a complaint. Anti-women rights movements are at their peak and the topic of feminism has always been on target of people and seen as a negative term. Despite numerous efforts, violence against women and girls is prevalent.

Now probably you can relate to these themes, as all of them are to make people aware of the issues related to women. It runs 16 days activism program to make aware of their rights. The 16 days campaign is Unite Campaign. Our Mother Concern provides ngo for services to women and helps them to gain their dignity and pride.

Ngo for Services Standing Up Against Rape

Rape is a traumatic event in the lives of many women and girls that devastated them physically but even more so mentally when the accuser is left unpunished, it creates a culture where sexual violence is normalized, women and girls are treated unequally, and the nation left at coax.

Even after many initiatives from the government, people still don’t take the help of the law and don’t register their cases sometimes due to the system, failure and long hearings in cases make them feel unworthy.  There are many factors, which make the system a big failure such as political influence, and negligence on the side of the police.

Many times society itself questions the dignity of the victim and raise finger at her and makes a mockery, which continues the rape culture.  However, in recent times many activists and ngo try to make people raise their voices such as #Meetoo #timesup and many more, which come in highlights but again people start raising questions at the moment.

We all have heard about Nirbhaya Case and Unnao Case among heinous rape cases. It is the 4th most common crime against women in India. In 2021, there was a 20% increase in rape cases, and an average of 89 cases registered daily.  Moreover, the saddest part is 96% of rape cases are done through known persons.

UN sets a target to eliminate violence against women by 2030 to make them take bold steps against rape.

History of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

  • Women’s rights activists have been observing November 25 as a day against gender-based violence since 1981.
  • The United Nations General Assembly established the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1979.
  • On December 20, 1993, the “Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women” approved.

Importance of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

  • In 1960, Mirabal sisters from the Dominican Republic and three political activists were shot dead.
  • The orders remembered on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (1930-1961).
  • The day’s objectives include bringing attention to the fact that the issue’s scope.
  • Therefore, the purpose of the day is to raise awareness and encourage women to express their concerns.

Why we must Eliminate Violence Against Women?

  • Due to the impunity, secrecy, stigma, and shame surrounding it, violence against women and girls. One of the most pervasive, ongoing, and catastrophic human rights violations in our time, goes largely unreported.
  • It generally shows up as physical, sexual, and psychological manifestations, including.
  • Human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation); rape; forced sexual acts; unwanted sexual advances; child sexual abuse.
  • Forced marriage; street harassment; stalking; and cyber-harassment; as well as female genital mutilation and child marriage.

Mother Concern NGO Services for Women

Our ngo believes if the foundation is strong, enough we can tackle any problem, which comes in sudden. We always work for women who need a helping hand. To acknowledge their power and encourage taking steps ahead and raising voices for themselves and others too. This is achievable when they are self-sufficient and economically independent This will automatically help to choose what is best for them.

We believe that the victim of violence and other sexual assault should not feel ashamed and should take the help of someone they can trust or avail ngo services who are always there to contribute to a noble cause.

We will appeal to you to come and join hands with us to make this world a wonderful place to live. You can visit our website and see the counseling work we are doing for women.  Apart from this, we all help women during a maternal period and provide proper medical facilities.

We hope you like the article. And for reading more articles and blogs click on the link https://motherconcern.org/. You can follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitterand Instagram.